So the exam results for AS and A2 are only a week away! I'm getting a bit nervous myself (waiting for A2 grades) but what can I do! Will wait for another week, and the dread will be over. There are only two outcomes really at the end of all this: Happiness and sadness.
Meanwhile, the thought of starting university at LSE (fingers crossed) has really excited me, and it's only around 6 weeks away. I think I will be making another blog on Mathematics and Economics (the course which I am hoping to study at LSE), so I will keep you posted on that if it happens. What excites me even more perhaps is the prospect of Fresher's! seem to be offering an 'Online Fresher's Fair' for the first time, so do make sure to sign up for that where you will receive lots of freebies and other offers apparently. I have done so myself and got myself in the guestlist. In fact, I think my next blog post will be on StudentBeans itself. It's an extremely useful site for students, and I'm planning on making the most out of it when I go to university.
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